Bob Sinclar @ PachaNYC Review

As you all know this past Friday was Bob Sinclar at PachaNYC. As you all probably know everybody was excited for it and expecting to have their mind blown by this award winning artist. However, personally he just did not do it for me. Talking to a lot of people around me throughout the crowd of the night I could sense that I was not the only one that felt this way. However, I am not going to tell you that nobody there was enjoying themselves. The dance floor was packed, the music was blasting and people were loving it. The layout for the event was also different than the usual Pacha layout which made it a very unique night. Instead of spinning from the booth, Bob Sincalr was spinning from the opposite side of the room which was kind of cool in an odd way. For me the real highlight of the night was when Jus Jack came on. Although at the time I had never heard of Jus Jack before and was unaware of his name for the first half of his set, I could not leave the dance floor once. I remember walking around asking almost every person on the dance floor if the knew who the dj was until I finally found out. To my shock a lot of the people that I spoke to throughout the night had only came to see Jus Jack. Moving the crowd more than Bob Sinclar did, it was easy to see why he had a following even though he may not be as common of a name. Every track he dropped was just amazing, and although we were unable to take any pictures or videos, take a listen to one of his tracks, there will soon be much more on the site. The track is entitled We Are by Jus Jacked.

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