Marco Carola Essential Mix 05-02-11

Any techno lover knows just how amazing Marco Carola is, but this Essential Mix from BBC Radio 1 is just on a completely different level. Check it out here.

Any techno lover knows just how amazing Marco Carola is, but this Essential Mix from BBC Radio 1 is just on a completely different level. Check it out here.
They say one of the best moments of your life is seeing ATB live, which makes me wonder why there aren't more remixes of his tracks out there. I think one of the reasons may be that people don't want to mess with perfection, but this mix is simply breathtaking and is sure to have you dancing the night away.
I'm sure most of you will agree with me when I say that I really never liked this original track, however when I saw Kaskade's name on this one I just had to give it a listen, and of course I fell in love. Like every other Kaskade song, this is just so melodic and beautiful that it takes a horrible song and has turned it into one of my favorites.
This is a track that has something for everybody, girls are going to love the melodic vocals and for all you guys out there simply wait until you hear the drop and you'll understand why this song will be on everybody's itunes. Listen here
If you've never heard of Hook N Sling before you may want to go to a doctor because there clearly is something seriously wrong. Every single track I listen to I just get blown away. When you take a listen to this track you'll understand why, it really is what music is all about.